Alliance City Camelot Uzhhorod
General information
Room service Room service :
Bus station, km Bus station, km :
Parking Parking :
Rooms Rooms :
Railway station, km Railway station, km :
Free Wi-Fi Free Wi-Fi :
Contacts Alliance City Camelot Uzhhorod

General information hotel Alliance City Camelot Uzhhorod

The complex has a sports base where football clubs from Ukraine and neighboring countries train and play matches. There are 3 football fields with different types of surfaces, Unique mild Zakarpattia climate;
Beautiful nature with clean air of the Carpathian forests
The hotel has a restaurant

The hotel is divided into 4 buildings

  • King Arthur building
  • Camelot building
  • Lancelot building
  • Cottages building

If you have any additional questions or need to book a room, you can contact the Alliance Reservations Department by phone from Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 18.00: 0 800 330 710 or write to us at

In the King Arthur building, the room rate includes breakfast and use of the spa
In the Camelot building, breakfast is not included in the room rate. Use of the spa area 50% of the cost of living

1. Included children under 4 years old stay free of charge in the same room with their parents without an extra bed. For children over 4 years old, adults on an extra bed, and for providing children under 4 years old with an extra bed in the room, a fee is charged according to the hotel's price list. The cost can be found by contacting the hotel or the central booking department of Alliance.
2. The guest is obliged to reimburse the hotel for losses in case of loss or damage to the hotel property and is also responsible for violations caused by persons (visitors) invited by them. The hotel administration determines the amount of damage.

Accommodation with pets
Pets are allowed at the hotel only upon prior request.

Contacts Alliance City Camelot Uzhhorod