Alliance City Yavir Poltava
General information
Bus station, km Bus station, km :
Parking Parking :
Rooms Rooms :
Railway station, km Railway station, km :
Free Wi-Fi Free Wi-Fi :
Contacts Alliance City Yavir Poltava
49.56775170726278, 34.53450912216403

General information hotel Alliance City Yavir Poltava

Hotel Yavir Poltava is conveniently located near the central part of the city.
Nearby is Popovsky Pond at a distance of 1.4 km. It has 52 comfortable rooms, which include a single room, a double room, a suite, a double room with 2 separate beds, a triple room, a quadruple room. Breakfasts are not included in the room rate and can be ordered separately.

There is a guarded parking lot on the territory of the hotel, which is guarded around the clock. There is video surveillance. There are parking spaces for people with disabilities. Free Internet access is provided, and there is a restaurant on site.
Distance to the city center - 3 km, to the railway station - 5 km, to the bus station - 4 km.

If you have any additional questions or need to book a room, you can contact the Alliance reservation department by phone from Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 18.00: 0 800 330 710 or write to us by e-mail: You can also book a room online at

The room rate includes: accommodation, Wi-Fit, taxes.

From February 14, 2019, a decision of the local council established a tourist tax rate of 0.4% for residents (domestic tourism) and 1% for non-residents (inbound tourism) of the minimum wage established by law as of January 1 of the reporting year for one person for each day of temporary accommodation of a person at the hotel.
Children under 5 years old are accommodated free of charge in the same room with their parents without extra bed.

If you need to receive an invoice with VAT, company representatives must contact the Alliance booking office to gain access to this hotel. The invoice for services indicates 20% VAT.
Optima Club, Priority Guest and Corporate Guest corporate cards are not valid at this hotel.

Contacts Alliance City Yavir Poltava
49.56775170726278, 34.53450912216403