Optima Hotels & Resorts has joined the YASNOLOV Loyalty Program
If you often travel or go on business trips in Ukraine, offers from the national hotel chain Optima Hotels & Resorts will definitely come in handy. We will tell you what discounts the new partner offers to YASNO customers and how to use them.
The national hotel chain Optima Hotels & Resorts offers the following discounts to YASNO customers participating in the YASNO Loyalty Program:
-15% on a gift certificate (you can choose the face value of the certificate, and the recipient can choose the hotel and the period of stay) - the value of the promotional code is 200 bonuses
- 15% for accommodation services in the hotels of the chain (the chain has more than 50 hotels) - the value of the promo code is 300 bonus points
If you are already a member of the YASNOЛОВ Loyalty Program, check how many bonuses you have on your balance, revive your holiday plans and choose a favorable offer from the National hotel chain Optima Hotels & Resorts.
If you have not yet registered in the YASNOЛОВ Loyalty Program, please follow the link: https://bit.ly/yasno_pl.
As a reminder, YASNO customers can receive bonuses in the YASNO Loyalty Program for timely payment of electricity bills (by the 20th of each month), as well as for choosing to use electronic bills instead of paper ones.