
Refund policy for the website payments:

For a refund, you need to provide an application addressed to the sole proprietor (you need to indicate the full name of the sole proprietor indicated in the invoice, Application), with a request for a refund according to the paid invoice No. ________ from ___.___. 20___ in the amount of ____ UAH. (the application must be handwritten, signed and dated).
In the application, you must indicate the account number of the credit card from which the payment was made (funds will not be returned to another card), it is to this executioner that the amount paid will be refunded. It is also necessary to indicate the details of the bank in which the payment was made, namely: the EDRPOU code, MFO and the bank's current account.
A scanned copy of the application (in electronic version) must be sent to the email address:
After checking the correctness, the original application must be sent to the postal address: 02081, 18d Teplovozna, street, Kyiv, Ukraine (marked as “for the accounting department of Optima Hotel Management LLC”).
After receiving a correctly completed return application (original), the funds will be returned to the guest's account from which the payment was made.

Refund rules when paying at a bank branch or through banking (in the application):

1. Application addressed to (depending on who the payment was made to):
Individual entrepreneur, (you must indicate the full name of the individual entrepreneur indicated in the invoice, Application), with a request for a refund according to the paid invoice No. ________ dated by___.___. 20___ y in the amount of ____ UAH. (the application must be handwritten, signed and dated).
In the application, you must indicate the account number of the card from which the payment was made (money will not be returned to another card), and to which the amount paid will be refunded. It is also necessary to indicate the details of the bank in which the payment was made, namely: the EDRPOU code, MFO and the bank's current account.
2. A copy of the 1st and 2nd pages of the passport of the guest who made the payment and the page with registration. Copies must be approved by the owner's signature, date and the spelled “as per the original”.
3. A copy of the guest's identification number.
4. Original payment receipt:
- original check of payment (when paying through the bank cash desk)
- original payment power of attorney / bank statement with a wet seal, which can be obtained at the bank branch (when paying through "Internet banking")

Scanned copies of the above documents (in electronic version) must be sent to the email address:
After checking the correctness, the original application must be sent to the postal address: 02081, 18d Teplovozna, street, Kyiv, Ukraine (marked as “for the accounting department of Optima Hotel Management LLC”).
After receiving a correctly completed return application (original), the funds will be returned to the guest's account from which the payment was made.